Is Dirrty really dirty?

Ok, so I thought I would post the video first for those of you who aren’t into Christina and haven’t seen the video.

I’m sure you’ve heard the controversy about the video though, as not only did it start years ago, but to my surprise only a couple of weeks ago I overheard people actually having a discussion about how horrible Christina Aguilera was for coming out with the Dirrty video.

Ok, I first want to express that I am so on Christina’s side with this. Like really, are people honestly serious when they say that this video is almost pornographic? I personally think the video for Britney’s Slave is alot more suggestive and kind of perverted. That could just be my personal bias, but come on now…’Hit me Baby One More Time’? You don’t think having a bunch of 10 year olds singing those lyrics out and trying to dress just like Britney did is slightly more upsetting? Or worse, little girls singing out that they’re a slave for the boys while Britney moans in the background as though she’s in some extended, annoyingly loud orgasm? Nobody seemed to have a problem with that though…hmmmm…but Christina’s the slut…hmmm…

Not to mention all the rock and rap videos that exploit near naked women all the time, featuring them doing much more suggestive things than just a choreographed dance with a group of people. Christina didn’t set a precedence here, and she didn’t even go to the extremes that some others have gone to…Britney, Madonna, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey (in case your confused with this one, think Honey with Mariah in an almost invisible teenie weenie bikini crawling out of the sea in a very, very sexual way)…I mean really, the list goes on.

I could rehash each and every argument I have that are pro-Dirrty, but really I’m sure you’ve heard em all already, and the video was released so long ago, I can’t see why anyone would want to fully re examine the issue all over again. But really, I brought this all up to bring up one point: How in the hell can anyone still care at all, whatsoever, about this video when there is so much else to focus on? Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, and Nicole Richie are all repeat offender drunk drivers, rehab goers, relapsing back to drug and alcohol abuse, flashing their private parts to the world almost as though its a joke…

I mean really, if you want to be concerned about something, don’t be concerned about the 4-5 minute video some star does that will stay popular for all of 2 weeks. Be concerned about the stars we let into our homes and into our childrens hearts that live each and every day a life that is irresponsible, troubled, immoral (think sex videos), etc., and very, very public that for god knows what reason we as a society choose to glamorize. And worse, the children get to see that ultimately there are no real consequences for these illegal, irreprehensible actions commited by their idols. Why would they not want to be just like them?

What do you think about all this?


7 thoughts on “Is Dirrty really dirty?

  1. Really, I think parents need to teach their children that what they see on tv is just that, what they see on tv. For people to go after music video’s, tv shows, or even a celebrity’s personal life, just seems wrong to me. I would HATE it if I was told how to live my life, regardless of how many children know my name, and I think that parents need to step up.I was 10 when Britney Spears and Christina first came out, and I didn’t DARE dress like them, same with when the Spice Girls became famous. And it wasn’t because I didn’t want to, but because my mom refused to let me even look at those kinds of clothes in the store.On top of that, I knew that celebrities were people and made mistakes, I knew that they weren’t ordained by God to come down and end war with song (although John Lennon did try!). They were just people who were on my television, radio, and had their faces plastered all over my Tiger Beat magazine. But I was never raised to think that they were anything more than just people.I think today, some parents have decided to take this hands off approach and are just letting their kids watch and do whatever they want, and don’t pay attention until their daughter is wearing her underwear in front of a webcam while pretending she’s Christina in the Dirrty music video.I don’t think the problem is the Lohans, Spears, or Hiltons, but that parents aren’t teaching their kids that what they’re doing isn’t healthy. It’s not “cool” to drink and drive, it’s not “cool” to go to rehab, and it’s not “cool” to dance in front of your webcam, in your underwear, while listening to Christina at the age of 12. As soon as parents realize that it’s their job to teach their kids this, and not that of 20-something year olds who happen to be complete strangers, then I think there would be a lot less complaining about the Dirrty music video. But until then, people will complain about everything that might ruin their innocent little angel.


  2. yeah, I am so with you on that and, trust me, it will most definitely be one of my rants…why aren’t parents responsible for their children and what they’re children are able/have access to watch or listen to?Just like you, I didn’t dare to try and dress like these little harlets…even now as an adult I’m still pretty covered up as far as fashion nowadays goes…and that all had to do with the way my parents raised me. It was never an option for me to display myself in a slutty way…it never even occurred to me, really to tell you the truth.That being said, regardless of whether or not the Lohan’s of the world want to be a million little kids’ idols, they are. And the fact remains that since they acknowledge all their fans and the role that they play in these little girls’ lives, I think they should be somewhat more responsible with the decisions they make. Hey, they make a billion dollars a year because these kids idolize them…and they know it. So since they appreciate their fans and they love being ‘positive role models’ (and yes I’ve heard most of em say it)for them, they should be exactly that. You can’t be a self professed role model from 9-5 monday to friday and then not think that what you do the rest of the time will not impact anyone. And I get it must be pressure to try and be good 24/7. I’m not saying be model citizens and never make mistakes. They’re human. Mistakes are fine. But if you’re living your life like a delinquent I think that goes somewhat past making mistakes. If they can’t stand the heat, they should drop out of the public eye the way many do until they get their lives in order. Like I said, they get paid a billion dollars a year because they are these idols/role models. Being in this role does have a certain amount of responsibility, and if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Trust me, if it were me, I wouldn’t monitor what I said and did…hell I WOULD be a model citizen…annual income of 5 mil? Yeah, I think I could manage.


  3. Even when it comes to them being idols for millions of little girls around the world… where are the parents? Why aren’t the parents explaining to them that what these girls are doing is wrong, and why are celebrities the only possible role models for girls these days?Regardless of whether or not these celebrities think they’re role models, the PARENTS should be role models, and need to play a more active role in their child’s life so that they are the role model.I just don’t think it’s right to tell someone that they have to live their life a certain way because little kids are looking up to them. Parents should be telling their kids that what they’re doing isn’t right. Parents should be educating their kids that eating disorders, drug addictions, and drinking and driving isn’t cool. If the kid is educated properly, they’ll be able to better decide who their “idols” are.And besides, it’s not like today’s celebrities are really behaving that differently than those from the past. Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Kurt Cobain all died from drug overdoses, and they’re not the only ones. The Beatles, The Doors, Rolling Stones, and plenty more, have been open and public about their drug use. So I don’t really see why people expect celebrities to suddenly change. They behaved like that then, they behave like that now, and I guarantee that they’ll behave like that in the future.On top of that, I’m a role model to my sister, and I have been since the day she was born. But I still fuck up, and sometimes I knowingly fuck up, and I will continue to do that, because it’s my life. I live my life for me, not my sister or any other person that might look up to me. Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Nicole Richie are also living their lives, and I think they should be allowed to do it however they want, regardless of who is watching.And for the being paid to be role models, parents can stop buying their kids Lindsay’s movies and Spears’ CD. Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie were born into their money, and anyone that pays either of them to party is just dumb.I think that the media and celebrities have turned into a cop out for parents. Maybe if parents sat down once and while and found out what’s going on in their child’s life, none of this would be an issue. But the fact is, more and more kids have a computer in their room, and they sit up there all day long while their parents are at work. There’s no communication, just the media giving the public what they want while babysitting countless of children around North America.


  4. I don’t disagree with you at all. Parents should be taking more onus when it comes to their children and the influences that get to them. Realistically, regardless of whether or not every star was on their best behaviour 24/7, if parents aren’t there to monitor what their children watch, and aren’t there to have open dialogues with their children about the things that they do see, then their children are still most likely to be impacted negatively by something or another.But at the same time, even a very attentive parent who does monitor what their children do and don’t do can’t watch them every second of every day, and most importantly can’t do anything about the influence that their children’s peers could have on them. Good example: I wasn’t allowed to watch Simpsons until I was almost 16. However, somehow or another I did manage to watch the show at least once a week, normally at a friends house after school or on a school or friends computer. My parents were dilligent, but that didn’t stop me.And when it comes down to the majority of the stars you listed, they weren’t stars to the children, they were popular to teens. Thats not to say that they’re inappropriate actions are justified. It’s just to say that the audience they were trying to appeal to was actually older. If Eminem started trying to appeal to little kids by being all bubble gum and coming out with one song per album that was entire G rated while keeping the rest of his music hardcore I would have an issue with that too.I guess my whole point is is that everyone, and I mean everyone, has a responsibility to try and be a decent, morally upstanding citizen. There is always somebody watching you, always someone who looks up to you, no matter how young you are, and regardless of whether or not you’re famous. My little sister looks up to me too, and I know that on a lot of things I’m her role model. That doesn’t mean that I don’t make mistakes, it doesn’t mean that I’m not irresponsible, and it doesn’t mean that sometimes I don’t give a damn one way or another about what anyone thinks of anything I do, her included. But I don’t sit there fucking up over and over and over again with the same things and glamorize them. If she does ask me, I’m real about it, I try to let her know that I know what I’ve done was mean/wrong/irresponsible/stupid etc. and let her know I’m not proud of it. Ultimately, you just have to know your position. For example, a person who wants to be an addiction therapist can’t get a drunk driving charge. Thats automatic work dismissal. Teachers aren’t supposed to sleep with students, even if there’s technically legally nothing wrong age wise. You just don’t. Likewise, if you want to keep a job being a teenie bopper idol, then there are certain things that you just shouldn’t do. And if they do, if they just care that little about who and what they’re impacting and in what way then they don’t deserve the position, and all the benefits, that come with it. And the labels or producers or whomever need to treat these stars in the same way any other manager for any other job would treat their employees, or job applicants. I think the onus with all of this is not just on the parents, although they have the most responsibility in the matter and aren’t getting any shit for the role they’re not playing in their childrens lives, but just about everyone else in society. Why is there so much sex on TV? Because sex sells. And any producer knows that and will put it into their shows. We can yell at the networks, but if we all stopped watching sex on TV, if we all stopped buying into it, they’d stop selling it. i think we should all go back to the time where when something was inappropriate and unacceptable it wasn’t praised but rejected. And in the meantime, we should all take more personal onus as to what we can and can’t do to ameliorate certain situations.Sorry, one more thing. We are fortunate enough to come from a family, and life status really, where our parents could spend more time with us, be more involved, buy things like the V-Chip. What about the parents and families who can’t? What if they really are doing all they can given the resources they have available to them to try and monitor their kids and talk to their kids about whats good and whats bad but it still isn’t enough?


  5. I’ll start with your last point because it’s freshest in my mind. For those families, I think they’re doing an awesome job. If a parent is really trying their hardest, then all the power to them. Regardless of how hard a parent tries, it doesn’t mean their kid is going to come out perfect, that’s just reality. And on top of that, just because a family maybe doesn’t have the financial resources or time that other families are able to supply their kids with, doesn’t mean their kid is going to end up terrible. It’s kind of like no matter how hard you drill it into your child’s brain that smoking is bad, doesn’t mean they aren’t going to turn around and buy a pack of smokes as soon as they’re old enough to. The parents did everything they could, but there comes a point when the child has to make their own decision.And I’m not saying parents should be watching their kid every second of ever day, because I actually think that’s just as bad as not talking to the kid. But I think parents need to talk to their child about what is out there. After they’re done talking, that kid has just as much free will as every other human being on this planet and is open to make the same mistakes as Paris Hilton.I guess, to take this away from celebrities for a second, I’ll bring up a slightly different example. My father is my role model (not my idol, that word just irks me for a whole different reason, and that’s why it bothers me sooo much when people claim that some celebrity is their “idol”), but that’s not saying that I’m going to model my behaviour after his. I know that my dad did bad things, and the reason why is because I was taught that some of the things he did was wrong. Now, knowing that, I could still copy everything that he did and make the same mistakes as him, or I can use my own judgment to make the right choices for me. It’s my call. I have free will, and like every other person, I’m using it the way I want to.If the things that Paris Hilton and her crew are doing (partying it up all the time, drinking, drunk driving, drugs, sex, etc.) are what little girls are doing, then there’s a problem. It has nothing to do with what these kids are watching anymore, but the fact that they weren’t given enough education about all of those things, and are given the freedom to do it (and any parent who hasn’t noticed that their preteen daughter is having sex, drugs, and drinking really needs to reconsider their parenting abilities, regardless of what socioeconomic situation they are in).Now when these girls are older and expected to be able to know right from wrong, what’s healthy for their bodies and what’s unhealthy, they should be able to decide for themselves if that’s the path for them. By that age (and I’m talking the age that the celebrities I mentioned in my previous posts were marketed towards, teens), if they don’t know better than it’s a personal flaw and at least their parents can say they tried.From the moment Paris Hilton came out, all of my friends knew the repercussions of her actions and knew that it was their decision to make her their role model. Paris Hilton isn’t forcing people to watch her, listen to her, or even look up to her. People just are, and she’s going along with it. If people don’t know better, than maybe 30 days in jail will do them some good too.But maybe something that really needs to be looked at, is the media really having that much of an affect on our lives? People were behaving like those celebrities long before they were even born, and those people had far less money. Paris Hilton isn’t a new breed of person, she’s just a richer version of an older model. Most of those children would’ve been able to find a similar role model right in their family tree. I know for a fact that I’m able to, but I was also taught that it was my choice to follow in their footsteps, and what that choice could mean on my life.That’s what parents need to do; teach their kid that for every glamorized action that Paris Hilton et al. take, their is a consequence, whether or not the media shows it. Britney Spears might lose custody of her kids, Paris Hilton went to jail, and Lindsay Lohan is in and out of rehab while other celebrities are saying that she needs to get her life on track. When the child is old enough to make those same decisions for themselves, at least the parents can say that they told them what could happen.But again, this all depends on the age of the child. If a kid is 8, worshiping Paris Hilton and making sex tapes… there’s an issue with the parents. If the kid is the age of consent, worshiping Paris Hilton and making sex tapes, it’s the kids bad, and blaming Paris Hilton is a cop out for their own stupidity.


  6. Holy moly. The comments are long… I’m gonna read em and formulate and answer, but I’m so lazy right now… even too lazy to write my own blog!


  7. Ok, here’s the thing. Most people could find a similar role model in their family tree. The difference for most would be that that role model in their family tree is probably a down and out loser, somebody who’s probably nice and a lot of fun, but also someone who is always broke, isn’t really a good family member, someone you know is generally useless.However, when you look at the stars, quite obviously this isn’t the case. Stars come in and out of jail and rehab, party 24 hours a day sometimes, and are seen doing things in such proportions that the average human being would look yellowed and haggared after a week of what they reportedly do for a month. So…seemingly no consequences to image or health (or if any whatsoever, very temporary).But lets be serious. You can tell your kids whatever you want, and their answer’s going to be “Why?” So, you shouldn’t do drugs. Why? Well, because its bad for you. Why? Well, you can get addicted and it will ruin your life? Why? Well, because you’ll be in and out of rehab, probably jail too, and then that will affect you getting a job and having a future. Probably the typical line of questioning.But this isn’t the case with the stars. They’re glorified for their wrongdoings, they get more jobs the more they’re in the spotlight for either good OR bad reasons, and really in the long run nothing seems to permanently affect them. Its hard for the average person, whether as a parent, role model, or private citizen, to look at the stars and process anything that they do or say in realistic terms, because often times reality doesn’t really apply to them. As I brought up before, if you work at a bank and then are picked up for tax evasion and fraud and are found guilty, you lose your job. And until you’re found guilty you’re suspended. You don’t get to keep your job and get a raise. Reality doesn’t apply to them and in fact the opposite always seems to. And since I think thats bass ackwards I can’t imagine what children and teens actually perceive. Wait, no, yes I can, and I remember wanting to be famous so I could be above the law too. Not all of my peers were as perceptive or as intelligent as I was. Some skipped a few steps and decided that they were famous BECAUSE they did stupid, irresponsible, illegal things.And I think unfortunately by the time teens are processing these types of ideas they’re already in the stage where their parents don’t know or understand anything, they know and understand EVERYTHING, and they’ve dismissed all of those important lessons that they’re parents painstakingly drilled into them for the first 16 or so years of their lives. Sure, those learned lessons will magically reappear the day they turn 20, but its like temporary amnesia sets in for those 3-4 years. I guess the point is that, as you said, the parents can’t do much about that. Although, back to the parents for a second, I just want to know where these child stars’ parents are, because they seem to be MIA. Seriously, most of these stars end up alcoholic cokeheads by the time they’re 19 (and lets keep in mind the legal drinking age in the states is 21). Where in the world are their parents? Why isn’t someone chaperoning them wherever they go until they’re of age. Why are they allowed to go to these clubs they are old enough technically to get into? And why in the world are these club/bar owners and waitstaff feeding these little girls with drinks? This is the issue: if you’re a star you seem to be above the laws of society, everything seems to bend your way, and nothing seems to go wrong. When you’re in a stage in your life where over 50% of what you learn is through modelling, and you, like most, dream of being famous, who do you try to model after? Realistically, what do you see from their lives at that age that seems unappealing (years of experimentation those teen years), and why would you think you’d be ruining your future when theirs seems perfectly secure?And as far as media influence: there is some argument there, but most studies seem to suggest a correlation between observed media and a persons thoughts, beliefs, or actions. To tell you the truth, I haven’t personally heard of any studies specifically on this topic, but I will take a look into that. However, without being official, I would think that yes, the media does definitely play a role and is truly impacting people’s thoughts and opinions. If you remember one of my first posts…I happen to be impressionable when it comes to the media, and seriously I wasn’t joking. I want to be America’s Next Top Model, I want to be a singer. I think I’m a personal example of why and how the media impacts people, and I think I’m just lucky that those stars I wanted to be just like just happened not to become criminal drug addicts. Otherwise who knows what I may have thought about things if my role models, my idol (and yes, I had one, Aaliyah)were like that.


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